Sunday, 6 January 2013

9 months pictures

9 months old now

Da Bird and Flying Frenzy

Just a quick toy review. Flying Frenzy is the UK version on Da Bird, and in my opinion a much better one. I had Da Bird first of all but the cats ruined it within a few days and it wasn't very sturdy. Flying frenzy is slightly cheaper and has a better, longer, bouncier rod to use and the cats love it, even lazy Pookey!!

Flying Frenzy
Da Bird

Happy New Year!

It's been quite a while since I've posted so thought I'd get on here today. We all had a lovely christmas and new year and the cats got spoilt!! I was thinking last night that we've actually had them 6 months in a few days time, crazy!!

So an update on Teddy's tummy problems, he's having different blood tests at the moment as they think there is a slight imbalance in his tummy that he's not producing enough of something. Just waiting for the second blood test results to come back to see what they say, in the mean time he's still on the antibiotics as that keeps him from having any accidents which is a relief!!

Anyway.. They boys are now just over 8 months old and they are huge!! Well Pookey is extra huge! On the last weigh in not that long ago Teddy was 9lbs and Pookey was 11lbs. Lots of fluff though, but Pookey does have a massive fat pouch!! I'm worried at his 1 year check up he's going to get put on a diet.

Here's a few recent ones of them!

Pookey in the Christmas spirit!!
Teddy is also!