Since we had Teddy he's had a sensitive tummy. After lots of change of food and back again, antibiotics and probiotics, touch wood, I think he's back to normal.
The vets started him with a change of food to Royal Canin sensitivity wet and dry and Pro-Kolin paste (this paste is a life safer and everyone should have one spare in their cupboard). This sorted him out with in a few days and all was fine... Until he got neutered and wormed. It really messed him up again and we used the paste which didn't seem to work as well this time. Another vet visit and we had antibiotics , more paste and Royal Canin gastro-intestinal. He was sorted again within a few days, I've gradually got him back on the dry kitten food but still continuing with the sensitive wet as it works for him and he loves it!
Hey, I started something called 52 objects project. Check it on my blog and, if possible, do it yourself as well. I would love to see yours. Dont get scared by the size of the post, either. It isnt as long as it seems, is just I am now writing in english and translating what I wrote to portuguese, so the post seems twice as long as it really is. lol